Colne Tunes
From Malkin Morris Wiki
Tunes Used
Playing Instructions
- Long Introduction - The Villagers A
- Step up - The Villagers A
- Step and Turn - The Villagers B
- Singles - The Villagers AB
- Lines Across - The Villagers A
- Step and Turn - The Villagers B
- Lines Back - The Villagers A
- Step and Turn - The Villagers A
- Balance & Corners - Roxiana AB
- Long Corners - Roxiana ABA
- Step to the Leader - Roxiana B
- Step and Turn - Bonny Colne (twice through for 16 bars)
- Round Partner - Roxiana A
- Step back to Place - Roxiana B
- Square Chain - The Villagers AB
- Step up - The Villagers A
- Step and Turn - The Villagers B
- Grand Chain - The Wonderful Chimes AB
- Step to Finish - The Wonderful Chimes A
User:Markb 19:10, 14 Jun 2022